
Certified Angus Beef Brand "Rare Moments"


Certified Angus Beef® Brand

Certified Angus Beef brand was looking to make a stronger connection with their consumers. Our challenges was to create a commercial that evoked an emotional connection to not just the brand but their product. The concept was simple, focus on how Certified Angus Beef brand elevates life’s moments, both large and small. In the end we created a commercial about beef, yes, but it was also about family, friends and sharing life’s special moments.

Project Completed at Hart


Concept, Art Direction

Creative Direction:
Randy Phipps

Randy Phipps, Sean Rodman, Rich Kretz, Brian Dickman, Nick Army, Matt Karlovec

Additional Credits:
John Pope
Kim Kissling
Heather Glass-Oaks
Rachel Vallozzi
DreamLouder Music